Sunday 15 April 2012

Project Evaluation

Evaluation of Image Manipulation Project.

In the beginning, after reading the Image Manipulation assignment brief, I was eager to get started and begin using Photoshop to create images using different medias and formats such as scanning or drawing. After beginning the artist research I quickly found out that the use of an online blog was not to my taste, in my opinion it goes against the traditional format of a sketch book. Blog aside, I started to enjoy the creativity and limitless feel which the image manipulation project brought with it. I tried to cover everything in the brief; scanning items in that I had brought in from home and then using them in various ways on Photoshop. The highlight of the project, for me, was the printing of the final Inkjet piece, I was very excited to see how it would turn out, and the Epson Stylus Pro Inkjet 4880 did not let me down. The quality was flawless, I perhaps would have preferred it to print on the entire page, leaving no white border whatsoever, but other than this, I do not have any serious issues with the finished product. One thing which I found hard was thinking of an idea for my final image, I seemed to not take a fancy to any of the artists/graphic designers I researched. Once I had found the. Geometric work, however, I settled with that particular style. I feel as if this project, because of the dominating use of computers, has not required as much work with other people in the group, when compared to previous assignments. Things which I feel I could have done better in are the following; I need to do a wider range of research which covers all aspects of the work set. Concentrate and read much more thoroughly through the assignment briefs, this will give me a better idea of what I have to do. Lastly, get more involved in tasks set by lecturers, doing everything they ask. One occasion where this was a problem was when I needed to bring in items to scan and use on Photoshop, unfortunately I completely forgot. This is what I need to do better in the future. I am confident with the writing asset of the project, English being one of my stronger attributes. I am looking forwards to the next project of creating a book and aim to put my all into it. 

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