Friday 30 March 2012

Geometric Lines

Inspired by some of my recent artist research, I decided to try and create my own digital artwork using only straight lines and color. I wanted to make something similar to Monika Grzymala's work, but, as I have said before, with more organisation and conformity. To start with I opened an A3 document on Photoshop, and selected the grid by clicking View>Show>Grid, and then enabling snap to grid by clicking View>Snap To>Grid. I then began to freestyle with lines on this page. After about an hour of drawing, with over 600 layers, I came up with this.
I quite like what I have done here but I think that it could do with something more, perhaps some color. After deciding this, I started to add color using the paint bucket tool. I wanted to make transitions of color all over the image so I had to fill in each small quadrilateral, triangle within the piece. It took me a very long time to add the desired color onto it but after about two hours of Photoshop work I came up with this result.

I didn't want to fill the entire thing with color as this would have been overpowering. The transition effect has worked well in this, my favorite section being the red/black on the left. I want to use it for my A3 Inkjet final but I need to merge it with something else.

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