Monday 26 March 2012

USA Flag

This is a flag I created for my Diorama project. I thought I would add it onto my blog as the production of the image used a number of different image manipulation techniques. To begin with I drew out a very accurate American flag with all of the correct dimensions which I had previously researched online. Once I had my colorless pencil drawing correctly scanned in at a high resolution and imported into Photoshop I began to find the right colors to use. I found an image of an American Flag online and then, using the eyedropper tool I selected the red from the stripes and, using the paint bucket tool, filled the correct stripes in. I then made the union of the flag the bright blue that is used in reality. The stars were harder as they were the color of pencil lead. To correct them I had to set the tolerance of my paint bucket tool to a low number, the tolerance defines how similar in color a pixel must be (to the pixel you click) to be filled. I made the stars completely white to replicate the real thing. I am happy with the end result and enjoy the technicality and precision needed for accurate flag drawing.

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